Accessibility declaration of:Festival Grec

Accessible content

  • Distractions

    There are no interferences such as content flickering, exaggerated blinking or audio that starts automatically.

  • Text images

    Except for logos or trademark images, content is generally configurable because text images are avoided.

  • Language style

    The language style is simple and suitable for its target audience.

  • Consistent browsing

    Consistency is maintained on the website, ensuring that browsing is coherent on all pages and offering users a pleasing experience.

  • Viewing audiovisual texts

    Audiovisual players are accessible to users on any type of device, keyboard users and people with vision impairment.

  • Headings

    The page headings provide the name of the website and section so that users can contextualise the information.

  • Social networks

    Social media plug-ins are accessible and have text alternatives.